Tertiary Study & Training

What can I study?

Before you can decide where you want to study, you need to think about what you want to study. Getting a qualification after you finish school is necessary for many career pathways and will make you more employable. You can study a certificate, diploma or degree – depending on how long you want or need to study for. Working backwards from the career or industry you want to end up in can help you narrow down what you might like to study. Tertiary or further education isn’t just attending a university or polytechnic. It covers all education after school, whether that’s studying, apprenticeships or industry training. None of the options are necessarily "better" than the others, and what you choose should depend on the job and experiences that you want.




New Zealand Universities

University of Auckland https://www.auckland.ac.nz/en/study/study-options/undergraduate-study-options.html

AUT https://www.aut.ac.nz/

Massey University https://www.massey.ac.nz/massey/prospective/futurestudents_home.cfm

Victoria University https://www.wgtn.ac.nz/study

University of Canterbury https://www.canterbury.ac.nz/future-students/

University of Otago https://www.otago.ac.nz/

University of Waikato https://www.waikato.ac.nz/study/

Lincoln University https://www.lincoln.ac.nz/Study/

Apprenticeships & Trades Training

An apprenticeship enables you to ‘earn while you learn’ which means you are being paid while getting skills and qualifications. There are hundreds of different types of apprenticeships in New Zealand in trades such as: construction, automotive, butchery, hairdressing, health care, marine, agriculture, sports or fitness, tourism and engineering.

While being employed as an apprentice, you work towards gaining a Level 4 NZ certificate in your chosen trade. Your training takes between two to four years and is overseen by an ITO (Industry Training Organisation) to ensure that your practical and theory work meets national standards.

From 1 July 2020, training for all NZ apprenticeships will be free until December 2022:


https://www.etco.co.nz/ (Electrical)

https://www.att.org.nz/ (Plumbing, Gasfitting, Electrical and Drainlaying)

https://bcito.org.nz/ (Building)


Pre-Trade Training

Pre-trade training is an alternative to going directly into an apprenticeship. This is usually a Level 3 qualification which you study at a polytechnic, technical institute or through a private training organisation. This is a good option if you:

  • Do not feel ready to enter an apprenticeship or full-time employment.
  • Want to get some skills and build your confidence in a trade.
  • Can not find an apprenticeship and want to make yourself more employable.
  • Want to start to gain a qualification relevant to your trade (some trades have a combination of Level 3 & 4 qualifications and also allow you to count the hours completed towards your apprenticeship).
  • Want to try out a trade before committing to it long-term.

Pre-Trade Courses

You are recommended to apply early to courses as they are popular, not just with school leavers. Here are some local providers:

Study Spy Trades Programmes







NZ Defence Force & Police

General requirements

To apply for a career with the New Zealand Defence Force (Army, Navy or Air Force), you need to be:

  • At least 16.5 years of age
  • Medically and physically fit
  • A NZ citizen or resident

To apply to the New Zealand Police, you must be:

  • At least 18 years old when you start (can apply at 17)
  • A NZ citizen or resident
  • Physically fit with good eyesight
  • A holder of a full NZ Driver’s Licence

For full details about the roles, recruitment process and training involved, click the icons:




Career Exploration & Planning

At Takapuna Grammar, students from Year 9 to Year 13 have access to the Career Central platform. This online tool helps them develop their career management competencies so they can grow in self understanding, explore opportunities and eventually be prepared to make decisions leading to a successful transition from school.



Use tools to get career ideas, explore study options and create your CV



Take a personality test: https://www.16personalities.com/

Future Careers Sheets: https://www.aut.ac.nz/study/study-options/future-career-sheets

Choosing School Subjects: https://www.aut.ac.nz/subjectchoices

Future Student Guide: https://guide.auckland.ac.nz/subjects

Victoria University Career View: https://www.wgtn.ac.nz/careers/resources/career-publications/career-view

University Majors: https://www.nomajordrama.co.nz/

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