

KAHA (Whero Lighting): Strength/Might

Kaha is the inner strength of a person or being. The idea of Kaha is that it is the physical showcase of one's ideas. To be strong of mind and strong of body is showcased through academics and sporting achievement. Kaha is composed using repeating Mango Pare (strength symbol) patterns. The Mango Pare symbol is based on the strength of the hammerhead shark and thus it takes on the form of that shark. The repeated use of the Mango Pare is to show the diversity in the student’s strengths. 


IHI (Kōwhai Lighting): Essential Force

The Ihi pou is derived from the idea of one's inner power, (a force unmatched) - the inner drive within a student to achieve one's desires. Ihi is composed of two popular Māori patterns, Puhoro (for growth and change) and Manawa (the inner flow of energy). These two patterns stem from the middle outward to link a student's journey from the Kura to the world. 


MĀIA (Kahurangi Lighting): Courage

Māia comes from one's courage, both physically and mentally. The idea is that a student’s 'Māia' is a driving force to overcome the challenges one faces in life. Māia is composed of a modern version of Mango Pare (symbol of strength), the Mango Pare forms a hammerhead shark-like shape. The idea that Māia can come from strength but also so much more than physical strength is why the pou uses longer versions of the hammer head-like shape. The flow comes from the middle and outwards to show the shift of a student’s Māia as they go through life. 


MANA (Waiporoporo Lighting): Divine Essence

Mana is the power within all things; it is the life essence and unexplainable connection between all things. It can be earned and it can be lost. Mana is composed of three main manawa lines down the middle. This is to demonstrate the idea that Mana is a gift from some higher power. It is with us in the past, present and future, however, the forms of which are unknown. Surrounding these three manawa lines are puhoro patterns to showcase change and growth. Just like the puhoro pattern, Mana can change and grow within the students over time based on actions and outcomes. 


WEHI (Kakariki Lighting): Reactional Force

Wehi is caused as a reaction to one's Ihi. Equal and opposite to Ihi, Wehi is the inner response to situations and outcomes. It helps shape and grows one's abilities. It's said that we learn as much from a mistake and we do the correct answer. If so, then Wehi is just that. Wehi is composed of downward puhoro patterns to show the equal and opposite force Wehi takes against Ihi. The pou helps balance the rest.