Senior Exams

Takapuna Grammar School Senior Exams

Students sit one set of formal exams in the Junior school and at least two sets of exams in the Senior school per year.

The 2024 Senior School exams are taking place from Monday 16th - Wednesday 25th September. These exams are designed to prepare students for the NZQA and International Baccalaureate exams in Term 4. The exams are formal and the results may be used for students who apply for Derived Grades in November.

See the 2024 Exam Schedule below:


It is important all students have an appropriate study routine in place for the exams. This should include students revising what they do and don’t know in each of their subjects. Students should experiment with study techniques to find out what works best for them.

Research would indicate an effective method of study involves short bursts of focused work with regular breaks to process and consolidate information. Study should be active to effectively engage the brain and make it more enjoyable for the learner.

The following links provide useful advice on how to study:

Alongside the exams we will be running an NCEA support programme. The programme is for students who for a range of reasons may require additional support to achieve academic success in 2024. Students not on this programme only need to attend school when they have an exam. Students must wear their full school uniform every time they attend an exam or when they are required to be at school.

Subject specific workshops will run throughout the exams. These workshops are designed to give students a dedicated block of time to complete work in subjects which may not have end of year exams. Attendance is compulsory for students required to attend workshop/s.

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